What teacher?
Tell me, do... what teacher that you know of that works those hours? I think you are wrong and should re-check your source. I have children in all grade levels (lucky me)... some teachers are there at 7:00 am and stay until way past 3- 3:30 sometimes even later than that. They don't even get 25 minutes for lunch! That lunch includes visting the restroom, checking messages and walking through the hallway to get to the lunch area... I know that some teachers don't even bother to eat lunch because they have a meeting to go to, have to get their classroom ready or just don't have time... As far as their ''prep'' or free period goes.. I know a teacher who spends her whole time waiting to use the copy machine... Don't start counting the hours.. it isn't fair unless you check out what some of the other teachers are GIVING above and beyond.
By parent k-12
Tell me, do... what teacher that you know of that works those hours? I think you are wrong and should re-check your source. I have children in all grade levels (lucky me)... some teachers are there at 7:00 am and stay until way past 3- 3:30 sometimes even later than that. They don't even get 25 minutes for lunch! That lunch includes visting the restroom, checking messages and walking through the hallway to get to the lunch area... I know that some teachers don't even bother to eat lunch because they have a meeting to go to, have to get their classroom ready or just don't have time... As far as their ''prep'' or free period goes.. I know a teacher who spends her whole time waiting to use the copy machine... Don't start counting the hours.. it isn't fair unless you check out what some of the other teachers are GIVING above and beyond.
By parent k-12