This is the email list for the Brandlewood subdivision Neighborhood Watch located in Lilburn GA.
It is a fact of life that relationships in many of today’s communities have become less personal than they were years ago. Families are more transient, children have more activities that take them and their parents away from home, and there are more families with both parents working. The once-familiar sight of families visiting with each other on front porches while keeping a watchful eye on children and activities in the neighborhood is a rarity in most communities today. This trend away from personal contact in the neighborhood and the decrease in time families spend at home are two of the essential ingredients that make communities ripe for crimes of opportunity.
Help us bring that community atmosphere back to Brandlewood Meetings are held monthly at Lilburn City Hall. All Brandlewood residents are encouraged to participate.
For more information please contact: Lilburn Police Department Administrative Office at 770-638-2217.
To keep updated on Lilburn events or find City of Lilburn contact information please check out the webpage at