Brownes Ferry HOA

Should only a problem bring you to the HOA meeting?

Posted in: Brownes Ferry
  • Stock
  • DMill
  • Valued Neighbor
  • Charlotte,NC
  • 1 Post
  • Respect-O-Meter: Valued Neighbor

I am a homeowner in Brownes Ferry.  I am starting this discussion because I am hoping that some of my neighbors will read this post and respond.  Hopefully in large numbers.  Last week I attended the HOA meeting, as I have done almost every quarter. I was not surprised to see only  a few people in attendance.  Especially since things in our nieghborhood seem to be going well.  At least that is the assumption since nooone is complaining.  We have have an active President who has been getting things done since assuming this responsibility. Having said that, many of us don't have much to complain about, thus then attendance at the meetings are scarce, very scarce. The last meeting boasted about 6 or 7 homeowners. All but a couple had isolated issues that related to a nieghboring property of thier respective residence.  I would imagine when our current President steps down, and that is his plan at the start of the year, things will change.  Perhaps we will be able to gather up all of  our individual complaints as they start to accumulate and once again the HOA meeting will be full of homeowners. Do you disagree? So I say to my nieghbors, call me out or prove me wrong,  Dont let a problem be the ONLY reason you attend the HOA meeting.

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