Mailbox Covenants
You are the first that I have heard from that has recieved anything in their mailbox. The board has not and will not use mailboxes to deliver covenants (unless it is through the mail service as we are aware that there IS a law against it. I have personally delivered a few covenants myself to homeowners. I hope that whomever is taking it upon themselves to in the future contact one of the board members and we will be glad to take action. I am sure a lot of homeowners are ready for enforcement of all of our restrictions and covenants. We are as well. We have hired an association attornery to help inplement the covenant and put us on the right path in enforceing them. In the near future we are planning to enforce all of the restrictions to ensure that our property values and investments are safegaurded. Everyone that has bought in Brunswick Place did so knowing that there were restrictions. A lot of homeowners bought because of the restrictions! It is time to enforce them! I do not agree with the delivery of the covenants, but if you were in violation of them, please, considered correcting the problem. I continually receive complaints of neighbors complaining of the violations. Homeowners are ready for enforcement.