i am concerned with the large number of break ins in the neighborhood! what can we do about stopping this? i wrote an email to someone at the memphis police dept. maybe we could get everyone to write emails, call, something to the memphis police dept. asking for more police patrolling the neighborhood. i never see police just driving thru interior streets just keeping an eye out! i could be wrong but i'm tired of seeing 2 or 3 post on cyberwatch each day of a break in to a home car or business in our neighborhood! lets make a difference! stop the thiefs!!!
break ins!!!
The Mt Moriah police station is very aware of the situation; most of East Memphis is experiencing an increase in burglaries. See the "Calling citizens to the City Council mtg Nov 18..." posting in this forum. Attending the mtg is something we can do to make a difference. Email me at canasafety@gmail.com for more information. Also, this is from a previous post - October meeting We had a good turnout Thursday night (Oct 27) for the meeting. Col. Dave Martello spoke most of the hour, advising how the MPD is focusing efforts on areas that are experiencing an increased number of burglaries and non-residential thefts. By far, most crimes in Colonial Acres are "property" crimes and happen during daytime hours when most people are at work. These ideas were discussed- Crime Prevention What we can do to help prevent crime- * Keep doors and windows locked. New Mt Moriah Police Station Phone Numbers Note the Mt. Moriah Police Station's phone numbers have changed. The new numbers are: Contact info Code violations and info: canacodes@bellsouth.net General info: canasafety@gmail.com