Country Club Manor Association

Barking Dogs

Posted in: UHRA

I agree, people have a right to peace and quiet in there own home. You dog owners act as if everyone else is rude to not tolerate your dog. I do not give a $%@#$ if you are TRYING to work with your dog. especially you people who leave the house and assume that dog is quiet. Even if the dog only barks at other dogs or the wind for that matter.. .. How about I pull my car up into your front yard and randomly turn the alarm on every few minutes and especially at night or when you are trying to have a nice quiet evening in your home. Since you own the dog you do not notice how annoying the barking is. So all of you dog owners that think even the smallest barking is acceptable, then let me bring my car over and I will set that alarm off at all hours and see how you enjoy it. You see my car alarm is sensitive, it may even be a rescue car alarm and not know better, so that means you should just tolerate it! Right?

Everyone thinks they have to have that DOG! It blows my mind that the law does not take this seriously!!!!! So if I am having a party and the music is loud, the cops would run right over!!! How about we record all of these damn barking dogs and put the recording in these officials' offices and bedrooms to hear non-stop!!!

I am sure these people who make these laws live in a nice big house that does not have close adjacent neighbor's. Come live at my house and sleep soundly(not) and see how you feel about the tolerance and laws concerning barking dogs. If it is ok to let your dog bark and be a nuisance then it sure as heck is ok or me to bring my car alarm to your front yard. How could any of you stupid dog owners feel someone is being rude to ask for peace and quiet in there home!!! Why should anyone come to you dog owners first!! It is very very very rare to have a dog that does not bark when left outside!!! You know they bark, I don't care if it is not in excess to you the dog owner, it is to me in my home!! I guess my car alarm in your front yard does not seem excess to me while you sleep or are trying to watch a movie, eat dinner, read a book in the peace and quiet OF YOUR OWN HOME!!!

Also any of you dog owners that walk your dogs and do not pick up after it.......... I would love to find your address and nicely place the dog $%&^ in your bed so your feet smear in it as you try to relax and enjoy your space. The park, sidewalk etc. is my space too, I shouldn't have to have your dog's ##^* on my feet!!

Do I sound angry, yes I sure as $%^#$% am!! My home, my public park.... not enjoyed due to stupid people and there dogs!!!!!!


Well said! I am currently going through the motions with Animal Control. I don't know if your issue is realted to the same one I have on Oklahoma Ave. Animal Control asked me if I tried "talking to the neighbor." I said, "Hell no!" and I don't get why we should have to give up our anonymity to unrationale people. If they don't realize how their dogs' barking affects peoples lives then they are just too dumb to talk to and I don't like dealing with stupid. I wake up at 4:00 am. I have an 18 month old baby, older daughter, and wife also affected. It makes our night, and following day, miserable because we can't get a good night's rest. Anyway, went through the mediation process a couple of days ago and have 120 days to file for a hearing if there is no improvement. I will file more as needed against other selfish neighbors. In the end they risk having their dogs physically removed because they are bad owners. I'm a dog lover and had to get rid of mine to move into our place. I feel bad for the kids who are attached, but I'll get over it quickly if it means my family gets peace of mind!

Swine, class-less people that live among us, pretending to be HUMAN are homeowners that allow their dogs to bark. One creature claimed she was "trying" after sixteen months and for her neighbors to give her time!!! Guess what? How much more time do you need? After16 months you lost, and the neighborhood did too. I had a neighbor that allowed her dog to crap on my lawn. Since she walked the dog at the same time daily. I collected the dogs crap when she walked by , ran up to her and emptied the bag on her. "Hey you forgot something"!!! Never saw her or her dog again!!! Yes, pull your car into their drive way...honk the horn....sorry..I'm working on my horn that goes it before10:00. Do it at 6:00 am too Let the creatures live on fear I all the chicken hearts will hold their hands and wring them on grief and say their righteous sayings but "talk time is over" let the creatures live in fear. Drop a box of nails where they park ...oops! Btw, stop supporting you local pounds...they do nothing with regards to quality of life for himans

My neighbors called the police on me because we had a dog door for my dog and my husband had had a stroke and was in the hospital.  I only came home for ten minutes at a time to feed the dog ,pet the dog and drive back to the hospital I was so worried he was going to die that my dog was getting pretty lonely.  Not one neighbor asked why my dog was barking or if there was anything they could do to help they just called the cops and the cops told me to quiet my dog.  What the hell was I supposed to do?  Sometimes a dog barks for a reason.

That's weird. When I called the police on my neighbors dog(s) they directed me to Animal Control. I was fortunate enough to have cops tell me neighbors to shut their dogs up. Your situation sucks and sorry to hear about your husband. On the other hand, I have not one care in the world why a barking dog keeps barking day and night. What I do care about is being able to have peace and quiet when I am at home.

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