Country Club Manor Association

Barking Dogs

Posted in: UHRA
It does not matter to anyone that you are trying to get your dog to stop being a nuisance. What does matter is that nobody wants to hear your dog or anyone elses dog bark constantly, period. How selfish of you to think that your neighbor should give a $hit that you are "trying"? It's been 16 months, if I were your neighbor I would already have you in court.

The most EFFECTIVE way to DEAL WITH BARKING DOGS: keep a log for a few weeks- dates, times, and location of barking dog(s).

Write a letter to Animal Control citing the specifics: your address, you neighbors address, the issue, and include the details of you log- time and dates of the barking.

You need to send in a minimum of 3 letters for them to address the issue. IT may take a few weeks, but they will send someone out, and the more evidence you have, photos, audio/video the more credible you will appear to be.


My neighbors dogs barked non-stop- I even switched my hours at work so I could be at work when those dags would bark.

After speaking to them at length MANY TIMES, they refused to do anything! All it did was end in frustration.


Do the above, animal control will have several meetings with you and the dog owners- it's  a hassle, but well worth the effort, if you don't want those dogs to bark anymore!

If you can get a neighbor to join you in the complaint, even better- It was just myself and my roomate.


After the second hearing, my neighbors were given the option: find the dogs a home, or they will remove them. They were also slapped with fines, and the best part: they were not allowed to have ANY PETS for one year.

That was the happiest day of my life, even though my neighbor blames me for it. I told her and her family time again that barking dogs at all hours are a nuisance, and that she had the control to take care of them. My 3 dogs sleep inside, outside during the day, and are trained to NOT BARK at people and dogs they already know. They have even thwarted a few possible break-ins as they started barking, I went out, and noticed a man knocking repetedly at my neighbor's house. When I asked him what he wanted, he said nothing and walked away. I took down his license plate, and told him that we have a very strong neighborhood watch program. He never came back!

Best of luck, but again, no need to hire lawyers, etc. Keep on the animal control- it might take a while, but in the end, you will prevail!


To all of you that think it’s ok to just call the cops when any
dog barks.

I just bought a house in Placerville and have been living
here for almost a year; I own 4 hounds that are highly  trained and only make noise when there is something
to bark at (this doesn’t include people or cars or anything else silly or ridicules).
My neighbor started calling the cops; and after about 4 months he had me in
court. So in turn I also got a lawyer and we went at it. His complaint was “my
dogs would bark and howl at random times and would either wake him or would disturb
him during the day. When I first moved into the house I kept them kenneled and
they never made a sound then I started losing chickens and then my neighbor’s
goat was killed by either a lion or coyotes. So I stopped kenneling and let
them run the yard (2.4 acres) and acquired a deprivation permit for small game
since I had loss of livestock.  Granted at
first it was just about every day or night they would catch a random animal and
either tree it or kill it on the ground themselves; it was loud and I hated
waking people which the people that asked me I would apologize and simply
explain what was going on. That tapered off quickly and now it’s down to maybe
once every 2 to 3 weeks. When they bark or howl I was always sure to get out
there ASAP and see what it was and then quiet them. But this still pissed my
neighbor off. Turns out since I could prove my dogs were barking not for nuisance
and doing a designated job he lost the case; I also followed up with a counter lawsuit
and sued him for 10,000 for my time and simply because he never simply came to
talk to me; he just took legal action. So those of you that just want to call
the cops try talking to the person and see what the case might be. Or you can
just take it to court; realize that it wasn’t just a stupid yard dog barking at
his reflection and lose your case and possibly be counter sued.

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  • Respect-O-Meter: Active Neighbor

I am having a problem in regards to my dogs with my neighbors across from my balcony.

my landlord called me to inform me that these neighbors had filed a petition complaining about my two small dogs. I leave them outside in the balcony only in the morning and they only bark when other dogs walk by, I know this for a fact since I come in and out of my apartment during the week. I feel it is really cowardly of these people to go and file a petition first without even trying to contact me first, I would had apologized and tried to solve the matter as as good

neighbor. I now have to get rid of one of my dogs and this hurts me so much! 

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