Cherry Hill Orchard Homeowners Association (C.H.O.H.A)

Park Party?

Posted in: CHOH

I saw somthing somewhere aobut not having the Easter egg hunt -- weather early ect. at the same place they mentioned maybe a bbq or somthing or an art & craft thing ....

My imput -- I like the idea -- Things seem exciting with the news letter and this web site -- thank you to those who have worked so hard on it.

I want to make a statement though about finacning things such as parties ....

I remember a time --- years ago --- years ago .... when i went to a meeting and they talked about a recent bbq party at the park in which maybe 15 families came.  There was an RSVP and you had to pay to go as I recall -- I did not go ($10 each times 6????)

What took many for a loop was that the board planned the party with no imput and allowed subdivision funds to supliment the cost of the party to the tune of $700 dollars!   I was a little taken aback and along with a few others voiced my opinion.  The boards response was that it was such a nice time and we HAD to have canopy's ect and if we had had more people participate .... yada yadda.  Okay well and good but that was one heck of a lot of money for one party with 15 families (about 100 people I recall)

It kind of left a bad taste for many.

Anyway my thought then and now is what happen to simple relaxed get togethers?  I love the idea of being able to go to a pot luck and meet some neighbors.  I understand years ago this was regular and I am glad to see it maybe starting again.  I took a look at our "sister" neighborhood Oakmont and they seem to have nice pics of parties

With that said I hope this new active board will concider the finacing of events shall I say frugally?

I understand costs and that is fine -- even if I or my household can't participate for one reason or another -- I would not mind money being spent BUT it should be done in a manor that is reasonable -- this board seems to be that way and I thank you .... I know meetings are ill attended (me included) so please don't take this as a complaint just a heads up -- times are tough and we need to remember that .... Thanks!

just my opinion


pot luck .... bring own canopies/umbrellas to share, chairs/blankets, grills etc (get it --no big rental fees  Smile)  Anyone with a pick-up willing to help get stuff to park could be listed

entrance fee: would be some sort of dish to share equivilant to the number you bring plus 2 .....

maybe sub buy water balloons or watermellon or somthing that kind of party thing :-)

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