Cherry Hill Orchard Homeowners Association (C.H.O.H.A)

Parking Over Sidewalks

Posted in: CHOH
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  • cdavis
  • Valued Neighbor
  • USA
  • 1 Post
  • Respect-O-Meter: Valued Neighbor

As a resident of over 12 years, my family has loved living in Cherry Hill Orchards.  It is close to everything, family-oriented and mostly friendly people. 


But I do want to warn everyone about an occurrence that has and could affect many families in our wonderful neighborhood.  A few years ago, we had a family move into our neighborhood.. and took it upon themselves to be the “sidewalk police”..   Periodically, as most of us have to do, our family or friends have parked over the sidewalk on our driveway…  


Well, unfortunately, this must have upset our new neighbor.. and instead of being “neighborly” and talking to us…  they called the police !!


The police took this in stride and were annoyed that this was taking their time . but had to follow through to ensure this “neighbor” was satisfied with the delivery of the message…


Isn’t it sad that this “neighbor” couldn’t be kind enough and come talk to us ?.. especially since this apparently annoyed them.. and they felt it was their “duty” to clean up this terrible behavior that happens occasionally  in our lovely neighborhood.


A few years have passed, and we have had no issues. 


Until one morning - mind you it was 8:00 AM in the MORNING - I looked out and had a ticket on my window.  Yes, that is right.  Having a life, I had forgotten to move my car back out of the driveway after unloading groceries.

Well, $70 later - -


We got the luck of the draw living down the street from him, but we are dealing.

All I have to say is...Karma :)

I am sorry you received a ticket.  However, as a parent of young children who are often forced off of the sidewalk and into the street to make their way around cars, I can understand the frustrations of your neighbor.  While calling the police is not the route I would take, some people in our neighborhood show total disregard to this ordinance.

  • Stock
  • wrobelm
  • Active Neighbor
  • USA
  • 1 Post
  • Respect-O-Meter: Active Neighbor

I am really sorry that you received a ticket. I can understand if you park on the sidewalk to go in and out, but not for a period of time. It is too bad the police had to ticket you and not just give a warning. Too bad they don't drive around in the evenings and see how many people do park on the walkway.


I am interested in knowing what street you live on.

We were welcomed to the neighborhood with a ticket on our window.  Frustrating!  Especially if you have company and you don't notice until it's too late. 

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