We are in Stage II.
a All the restrictions from Stage I apply.
a Aesthetic fountains are prohibited, unless water is recirculated or recycled .
a Watering with a hand-held hose or drip irrigation permitted during the hours of 3am to 8am and 8pm to 10pm any day.
a Watering with sprinkler is permitted only once a week on the designated watering day during the hours of 3am to 8am and 8pm to 10pm.
a Filling of new and existing swimming pools is prohibited unless at least 30% of the water is obtained from a source other than the Edwards Aquifer.
a Citizens are encouraged to wash their cars no more than twice a month. Washing cars at home is permitted only during the designated watering day with a positive shut-off hose. Water runoff onto street is prohibited.
Residential addresses ending in:
0 or 1 - Monday
2 or 3 - Tuesday
4 or 5 - Wednesday
6 or 7 - Thursday
8 or 9 - Friday