I am concerned about the street expansion of Sharon Drive near Hidden Hills elementary. Making this a cut through street will make it a few minutes faster for those on the West side of the mountain to drop off kids at school, but for kids who are walking to school it will create dangerous levels of traffic. Also, this will decrease the values of homes in the neighborhood of the school due to increased traffic.
In the long run, that is bad for the whole neighborhood as decreased home values leads to decreased maintenance and eventually a decline in the quality of the neighborhood. I am also shocked that this has happened without people on the East side being informed. I
would like to organize an effort to oppose this plan.
Hello Neighbors,
I posted this concern so that others may respond. It was orginally sent to the contact person of this site, but they do not have an email address linked to the site.
Candace of Neighborhood Link
By Emailed to Neighborhood Link
In the long run, that is bad for the whole neighborhood as decreased home values leads to decreased maintenance and eventually a decline in the quality of the neighborhood. I am also shocked that this has happened without people on the East side being informed. I
would like to organize an effort to oppose this plan.
Hello Neighbors,
I posted this concern so that others may respond. It was orginally sent to the contact person of this site, but they do not have an email address linked to the site.
Candace of Neighborhood Link
By Emailed to Neighborhood Link