Capitol East Neighborhood is one of Des Moines oldest neighborhoods. Capitol East is located just east of the state capitol complex. Neighborhood boundaries are E.14th to the west, railroad tracks to the east, railroad tracks to the south and I-235 to the north.
Capitol East is home to approximately 2900 residents who reside in both very old and very new single-family homes, townhouses and apartments.
Neighborhood businesses include several restaurants, Carter Printing, La Tapatia Mexican Grocery Store, and several other retail shops.
Capitol East Neighborhood has three parks, Redhead Park, Ashfield Park and Stewart Square Park, a community green space at East 15th and Walnut Avenue and Des Moines Police East Side Boxing Club.
Capitol View Elementary School, which opened in August of 2001 at the site of the old Lucas School, is located here in Capitol East.
In 1989, the Capitol East Neighborhood Association was formed and Capitol East became a designated neighborhood in February 1990.
In the years since, great progress has been made in renovating neighborhood parks, bringing in new businesses and rehabilitated existing commerical property and rehabilitating the existing housing stock.
Capitol East is a friendly neighborhood that is rich in history and is heading for an exciting future.
Current Board Members
Chair - Jack Leachman
CoChair - Mira Miller
Treasurer- Jean Schooley
Secretary - Kimberly Woods-Douglass
Website Contact/Social Media - Sabrina Douglass (
Early in 1999, the City of Des Moines chose four neighborhoods to participate in a new approach to City Services. Capitol East is one of the four neighborhoods choosen.
City employees from departments of fire, police, public works,housing,zoning,and park and recreation are involved. The team works to solve problems identified by people in Capitol East.
The following City employees make up the Capitol East team:
Sergeant Lori Neely
515-210-1766 Cell Phone
515-237-1661 Fax
Kevin King
Other Agencies:
Gang/Graffiti Hotline 515-237-1808
Vice/Narcotics Control 515-283-4830
Non Emergency Police515-283-4811
Animal Control 515-283-4811
Streets & Garbage 515-283-4950
Traffic Complaint Hotline 515-271-4655
Traffic Section 515-271-4650
HOLA Center 515-299-4652
Crime Free Multi-Housing 515-237-1591
A Neighborhood Association develops when people who live near each other get together to solve common problems and work together to make their neighborhood a better, safer place for everyone.
In 1989, The Capitol East Neighborhood Association was formed. In that year, we applied to the City of Des Moines Neighborhood Revitalization Board for Revitalization Designation. Capitol East Neighborhood was designated on February 1, 1990.
The purpose of the association is to enhance the quality of life in the Capitol East Neighborhood community.
Our meetings are open to all who reside in, work in, or have an interest in the Capitol East neighborhood.