Carriage Park


Posted in: Barristers Place
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I'd like to hear the thoughts of residents on how to make traffic within Barristers Place observe the 25 mile per hour speed limit. Few drivers do so now but surely there must be ways to make them aware of the need to slow down. Let's talk about your ideas and thoughts!
Please! No More Speed Humps!

We do not need to put speed humps on Abbotsford Drive. It's not necessary.
99% of the homes have all fenced their backyards. There is no pedestrian or car traffic going in and out of property along Abbotsford. That's all done from the front of the properties on other streets such as Statute Drive.

Half the street is a park. Both sides have of Abbotsford has sidewalks as another safety factor. There isn't much crossing on this street either.

The only people I see walking along Abbotsford are dog-walkers!

For the brief time children are on the street waiting for a school bus, traffic can be controlled by Crossing Guards.

BA doesn't need to waste it's money on traffic controls for Abbotsford Drive.

The street is not for children to play in. No street (whether thru or a cul-de-sac) is for children to play on. Our homes have big yards for that.

The Town of Vienna has gone crazy with Speed Humps. Let's not add more Speed Humps and Stop Signs on the few through streets we do have in our association.

Seems a bit petty to worry if someone is driving 25 mph in an area that has very little activity.
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No Traffic Humps/Bumps Reply

Thanks for your thoughts. I'll see that they are given to the traffic calming study group.
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  • ecw
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I concur with your concerns about the speed in Barristers Place. the speed coming down  Center Street from the Town is always a problem for walkers (with or without dogs) and people attempting to back out of driveways. I know that there was a study on the amount of "cut thru " traffic but never remember hearing the results of the findings.  Perhaps the problem is too much traffic on Lawyers with speeders not from the neighborbood. I also know that some of our newest and youngest drivers have difficulties staying within the speed limits. Having rec'd a speeding ticket over by Flint Hill Elememtary almost ten years ago, I can testify to the effectiveness of police enforcement of speed limits. Perhaps we could get the FFX County officers to write some tickets for speeders in Barristers to make our narrow winding streets more pleasant as well as safer. 

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