Carriage Park

upkeep of property

Posted in: Kingstream
Has anyone been down Eddyspark Drive lately? Well the house 12146 has a toliet bowl outside of there garage. I am sure prospective buyers for the house next door really appreciate seeing that!
Has anyone been down Eddyspark Drive lately? Well the house 12146 has a toliet bowl outside of there garage. I am sure prospective buyers for the house next door really appreciate seeing that!

Ive driven past that house many times, i do remember seing a toliet a while back, i thought to myself "do these people use the bathroom outside", get with society, toilets go inside the house people! now the main importat situation is that everytime i drive down eddyspark drive to go home to my wife and kids, if i have the windows down i pick up a very strong sent of "onions" one time it was so bad that i nearly passed out behind the wheel and crashed. To make matters worse there are always 12 indians outside of the house doing some type of rain dance in the middle of the yard in their underwear or "secret offering" as they would call it. However it scares the daylight out of me and my family, we will be considering moving soon if they do not control themselves.

I know. My husband and I we're on our routinely jog and to our surprise there was a car impaled into the front window of the house! I think it's time for an evaluation. This makes our neighborhood look horrible! God, I prey for their children.
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