Carriage Park

Spring time awareness: Walk or run, always bring a buddy

Posted in: McLean VA

It is Spring time and that means warmer weather and the opportunity to enjoy outdoor activities! If you walk or run remember to always bring a buddy with you and if your buddy has to cancel then have a back-up buddy at the ready! Worst case scenario if no one can join you have a back-up cardio/work-out routine that can be done at your home.

Quick tips for you that will not bring a buddy: 1) Never talk or text on the phone while walking/running. Your attention needs to be on the surroundings. Do not listen to your Mp3 player. Have 911 programmed on your phone. 2) Take safe routes where you are visible to neighbors and streets that have bright lighting. 3) Let someone know that you are going for your walk/run and what time the should expect you back.

* Remember that the criminal is looking for the easy victim. Be proactive and educate you and your family!

Look for our Safety tips in the month of May and for more info you can visit us at

Team MaxDefense

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