Carriage Park

Keep your door close and locked

Posted in: Stratton Woods

 I have seen young kids (not from our community) bike riding and it came to mind that they might be looking to break in a home to steal jewelry.  Jewelry is now about $1,900 an ounce so please be careful and keep all your doors locked including your garage door.  When I see them, I look to see where they are going and then they leave.  I think that the police should do a round in our Stratton Woods community at least once a week if not, more.

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C'mon the kids around here are harmless. Stop watching so much news and go out and say hi to the kids and your neighbors thats the best crime prevention method going.

I used to belong to the Neighborhood Watch but after 16 years, we decided to give it up and let someone else do it too.  We have great kids in our neighborhood and we talk to them but with today's economy, I wonder if some kids from other neighborhoods may be going  around checking to see if your door is open they might decide to break in.  If you feel confident that its not going to happen to you, then more power to you. Wink

  • Stock
  • travnw
  • Active Neighbor
  • USA
  • 1 Post
  • Respect-O-Meter: Active Neighbor

You have got to be kidding me!  You saw young kids bike riding and the first thing you thought of was that they would break into your home and steal jewelry?  Wow, we really are becoming a fascist police state, God save this country...  So much can be said about this I don't even know where to start,.. Go do something with your spare time besides watching Fox news and Forensic Files every day

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