Casitas at Park Centre

Over-seeding for winter grass

Posted in: Casitas at Park Centre
Winter is approaching and it is time to over-seed with winter rye in order to maintain a green lawn.
The city is asking that we not over-seed for the winter in order to save water. This will also save the Association in the cost of the over-seeding and watering. It will also cause the grass to go brown until next spring.

What do you think? Should the Association over-seed or not?

By Bill

It would be more important to take care of the pest problems(pigoen. The health of all owners has to be number one on the the list of to do.

By Mike
Well why even bother?

Since the rest of the so called landscaping here is so bad,why even have grass? Every green,growing thing in this place is chopped down to the nubs as soon as it starts to look good.Why not cut down all plants,take out the grass and have nothing but concret,gravel,dirt and rocks.That way,you can save money on water but have twice as high electric do to rasing the tempeture in the area.Fortunatlly I am moving out in a few weeks.This is without a doubt the WORST place I have ever lived.Hot,dirty and ugly!

I hate to say it but I agree - for the most part with the person who complained about the landscaping... When they first chopped every living thing down to it's stump - some of us figured it was so the painters could paint.. But now it's every time they trim. They just mow it down to tiny little shrubs every time now - which looks terrible, especially in a development that is as mature as this one. For the age of these condos, there should be some lush and mature landscaping to show for it. I for one would not like to see brown grass in additon to the multiple kinds of rocks, stubby shrubs and squared off trees... Please find a decent landscaper.. This place looked great when I bought my condo and I'm not sure why it's gone downhill so fast. I hope it's temporary.
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