Castlegate Community

HOA Problems

Posted in: Castlegate
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  • roughneck
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Queen Creek, AZ
  • 68 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor
Hello Fellow Neighbors,
I have read trough most of the threads on here and have posted my own comments to a few of them.

Let me start off by saying that it appears that the same few people are posting on this site. To become a strong HOA we need more participation from our neighbors. We can complain all we want on this website. (Thanks for putting this together Mike) Until we come together as a community and get a handle on some of the issue, IE: weeds, parking, trash cans and what ever else the HOA is responsible for, we are just spinning our wheels.

Talk to your neighbors and have them get involved. Ask them if they are coming to the meetings. If they say no ask why. The last meeting we had approx 30 people out of 1400 homes! All of you wonder why nothing is being done. I have been to every meeting except one. The turn out at the meetings is pretty disappointing.

I stated this in another spread, but I would like to reiterate it. We should refrain from using people direct address and names on this site. This will cause a lot of animosity between neighbors. If you want to complain about a certain house email the HOA board members or the cruddy Kachina Management Company. I would hate to see my name splattered all over this site, and I am sure you don't want your name posted either. Show some respect, no matter how mad you are at those certain people or Kachina.

We all live in this community. We need to come together and make it a great place to live for us and our families. Forward this site to your neighbors so they can get informed and involved.

Thank you.

HOA problems

Hey roughneck,
I agree with you on most of what you are saying. But I think that people are frustrated that nothing gets done no matter how many people show to the meetings. Bottom line the HOA does not care. I do not agree with you about having the house numbers and last names plastered out there. I think that maybee those homeowners will feel like idiots and do something about there yards, and if you are following the CCR'S you have no worries about having your name out there. As far as respect those homeowners deserve no respect in my opinion until they earn it by cleaning there yards. We need to target the violators.
  • Stock
  • rosewood
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Queen Creek, AZ
  • 41 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor

While community participation at meetings is important I think it is irrelevant to the issues being discussed. Homeowners are not responsible for enforcing the rules, the HOA is. This is a young community and already is starting to look neglected. I drove around the community today and couldn't find one street that didn't have several violations from weeds, no landscaping at all or parked cars everywhere on the street. One of the reasons I chose a home in Castlegate was because of the rules not realizing at the time that they were a joke.
HOA Meetings

I work in the HOA industry and attend 2+ HOA meetings per week. If we are getting 30 people to our meeting than it would probably be the most turn out that I have EVER seen.

Fact of the matter is, management companies are only as good as the manager assigned. AAM has good managers and bad, City Property is the same, as is Rossmar & Graham. I know a lot of GREAT companies and GREAT community managers that have rough communities because of the lack of community involvement. If we're getting THAT MUCH involvement already that would only lead me to presume that the management company is dropping the ball in a major way! We've got the size of community that justifies an on-site dedicated manager but have no place to house them here. Kachina is a small operation that cannot or chooses not to deal with their responsibilities properly, however they are CHEAP! Our HOA dues include trash, landscaping plus the $5,700 management contract and are still very low. If we want to upgrade the company, let's do it. I wouldn't be afraid to pay $50 per month instead of $117/quarter. If it would make the neighborhood better than it'd be worth the extra funds.

Truth be told, we're getting what we're paying for and with 30 people at meetings out of a subdivision of 1,400 we have PLENTY of folks that are willing to help. Don't believe me? Go visit a few HOA meetings around. I could name 10 HOA's that are twice or three times our size that don't get 10-15 people to attend.

By BraeVoeMan
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