As of today (9/25/2001), the administrative account for this website has been put in my name so that hopefully the site can reflect up to date and accurate information.
The first order of business was to update information about the board, as well as the fax link to Hammersmith.
Also, messages that were over a year old (with the exception of the IREA substation) have been deleted.
I have also asked for an electronic version of the newletter, a summary of the financials, and the minutes from the last HOA meeting so that they can be posted on this site.
The first order of business was to update information about the board, as well as the fax link to Hammersmith.
Also, messages that were over a year old (with the exception of the IREA substation) have been deleted.
I have also asked for an electronic version of the newletter, a summary of the financials, and the minutes from the last HOA meeting so that they can be posted on this site.