Hello to all. Welcome to the "Heart of the Eastside". If this is your first time visiting our page, please feel free to look around. There are updates to things whenever we need them, so check back regularly. Be sure to check our facebook page for current events "Central Meadowbrook Neighborhood Association" and for meetings and items of interest to our neighborhood and City. If you are new to the area or thinking of moving to the neighborhood, come by our meeting and introduce yourself or just sit and listen. We'd love to have you. If you would just like more information on what we are doing in the neighborhood, contact us and we would be happy to fill you in.
Thanks for your interest,
2020 Officers
President: Cindy Boling
Vice President: Dan Haase
Secretary: Richard Hostler
Treasurer: Janet Kennedy
Sergeant at Arms: Linda Anderson
League of Neighborhoods Delegate Julie Alexander