Chatfield Farms Community

Multiple parking of automobiles

Posted in: Littles Creek Park
I have received MANY complaints of dismantled and wrecked cars on various properties and on the streets. This is becoming an unwarranted MAJOR eyesore problem.

Complaints from members of LCPHO have reached the COUNCIL and action may take place by ticketing and possible removal of the automobile or automobiles in violation.
Our property values are high and such distraction will tend to lower them.

By Joseph A. Larkin
  • Stock
  • daryldb
  • Active Neighbor
  • USA
  • 1 Post
  • Respect-O-Meter: Active Neighbor
multiple parking

Joe - This post and the somewhat frenzied, same-subject paragraph in the 19 Sept newsletter gives me cause for concern.

I've lived in the neighbor hood for some 3+ decades and enjoyed it because of the typical western attitude of live-&-let-live. I also don't care to see our (or any) neighborhood go downhill, but my concern is of the ''camel nose'' syndrome. I'd hate to see restrictive covenants (like the architectural committees) of the newer ''progressive'' communities where neighbors fight neighbors because of them.

I, for one, will take a few ratty vehicles over ''well-meaning'' busybodies anytime. - daryldb
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