On Call Brush Pickup

Posted in: Valencia

The City of San Antonio has selected Valencia and neighboring communities as its pilot area for on call brush pickup. This could be a great thing for you and your neighbors. Have you, in the past, had to stock pile things in your garage, or plan your tree trimming/toilet replacement/spring cleaning around the citys schedule? Well, now you dont have to. For the pilot program period starting Oct 1, 2008, you can just call the citys Solid Waste Department and ask for brush pickup anytime you have the stuff you want to get rid of. The city wants to see if this program can help save them money, we want to see if it can help save our residents time and make brush up more convenient. Since this is a pilot program, its not a perminant change, and the city can change back to twice yearly pickup if it doesnt work. Lets help make this a money/time saver!

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