Cleveland Park Neighborhood Association

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Lost cat/ 1202 north 2nd Street

I live in Cleveland park and have lost my cat named Enki as of today 9/22/13. Distinguishing Features / Comments: Enki has green eyes and little sprays of hair coming out of her ears. She has a full... more
Started: September 22nd 2013Replies: 0


We'll be selling Archie Mc Phee items, collectables, toys, lamps ( i love lamp!), toys, kitchen items, retro items, cool shoes,  and a ton of Xmas decorations  ( seriously don't buy any... more
Started: October 6th 2012Replies: 0

East West Connector Community Forums

The Nashville Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) and the Transit Alliance ofMiddle Tennessee are hosting an initial series of public information sessions on theEast-West Connector bus rapid... more
Started: July 3rd 2012Replies: 0

Cleveland Park Neighborhood Association Real Estate and Home Values

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Eco-Friendly Home Flooring Options
Cork2sm More and more homeowners and buyers are looking for homes that have eco-friendly features. Flooring for your home now comes in many options that are both beautiful and environmentally responsible. When...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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Help Your Kids Stay Safe Online
Childsafetysm Protect your children by teaching them how to stay safe and secure online.   It’s 3 p.m. Do you know what website your child is on? Kids spend nearly two hours a day online—surfing the...
Tags: CommunityStaff PickChildrenSafety
Association Records: What's Available to the Members
May303_th The Association Bylaws and CC&R's usually provide wording on member access to Association records. The books, records, and papers of the Association shall at all times, during reasonable business hours, be ...
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