Message from Eric Carlson, City of Champlin (
To Whom it May Concern
If you are receiving this email it is because you have emailed me with
concerns regarding the playground equipment at either Jo Nunn Park or
Champlin Heights Park. The Park and Recreation Commission will be
discussing a potential change in the replacement schedule on August 9th.
You are invited to attend the meeting to express your opinion on the issue
if you desire. Should you have any questions please feel free to contact
Eric Carlson
To Whom it May Concern
If you are receiving this email it is because you have emailed me with
concerns regarding the playground equipment at either Jo Nunn Park or
Champlin Heights Park. The Park and Recreation Commission will be
discussing a potential change in the replacement schedule on August 9th.
You are invited to attend the meeting to express your opinion on the issue
if you desire. Should you have any questions please feel free to contact
Eric Carlson