Does the FPAA have any suggestions that could assist me in getting the grass cut on a regular basis? As a renter, I consistently maintain and keep inside as well as outside of the property clean, free fom trash,leaves,cigarette butts.I have purchased flowers at my own expense and planted/re-landscaped the front flower beds.It looks 110% better, as neighbors walking by have commented. Yet, I am discontented because every property on my block has well kept lawns, cut by landlords.My rented property is the only blight on the block.After numerous calls to my landlord, no response. The grass was cut 1st and last time on 04.28.2007. When I arrive home from work I want to look at my flat and feel welcomed, proud and apart of the neighborhood.I want to see, smell, and hear nature's beauty.Today I noticed my Landlord's property on his street is also the only lawn with uncut grass! Go figure. Can anyone help please advise! Thanks, New to the neighborhood.
What's a renter to do?