It seems to me that the Castlegate HOA Board has not communicated to the membership very well and this lack of communcation is the root cause of most of the dissention within this organization.
The HOA meetings are helpful, but there are many concerned and interested members that cannot regularly attend. What's more the meetings are purposely too short for much conversation, and what little discourse I've heard is mostly the board defending decisions they have made and irrate homeowners trying to get the board to listen and act on their individual problem.
I believe because of the cost of mailing, the board has relied on this website for community communication and too few homeowners use this site. Either they don't know of it or they just don't think about it.
The best way to communicate with homeowners is a regular, reasonably frequent newsletter to review issues discussed and remind homeowners of their responsibilities.
Newsletters can be tedious if laid on one person, but a small committee could produce what's needed in a timely way. What's more, local merchants may also be interested in advertising in the newsletter and that could defray some cost. The cost of a newsletter is a cost of doing business and it is probably the best money this organization could spend.
I hope the new board members will consider ways to improve communication with the homeowners. I'm quite sure homeowners would be more supportive of decisions of the Board if they knew what was going on.
Jeff Simonsen
(PS: why don't people sign their messages on this site? I'll even tell you where I live and you're welcome to stop by for a chat as long as you bring some beer)