Congress Park/32nd Ave South

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Real Estate, Property Values and Homeowner Resources

Obama Mortgage Rescue Plan FAQ
Lifepreservermoneysm Loan modification and loan refinancing are two components that make up the Obama Foreclosure prevention plan. This FAQ will help you determine if qualify and what you need to do. Obama's Making Home...
FHA Streamline Refinance FAQ
Housequestionsm This FAQ will answer your questions about the FHA Streamline Refinance program which was created by the FHA to make it quick and easy to refinance your existing FHA loan. What is the FHA Streamline Refinance...
Tags: HomeownerFHA LoanMortgage
Eco-Friendly Home Flooring Options
Cork2sm More and more homeowners and buyers are looking for homes that have eco-friendly features. Flooring for your home now comes in many options that are both beautiful and environmentally responsible. When...
Tags: Staff PickHomeowner
How To Challenge Your Property Assessment
Moneyhousesm If your home value is dropping but your property taxes are not, you can appeal the assessed value of your home which may help lower your taxes. Property values are down, so why doesn’t your property tax ...
Tags: HomeownerStaff Pick
Loan Modification: Is it Right For You?
Scalehousesm What is loan modification? How is it different than refinancing a mortgage and what does it take to qualify for a lenders loan modification program. What is loan modification? President Obama recently...
Is Your Real Estate Agent Working for You?
Housequestionmark120 You might be surprised to learn that a real estate agent can play one of several roles. You might be even more surprised to learn that the real estate agent that you think is working for your best interests...
Tags: HomeownerRealtor
What Is A Short Sale?
Graphthumb Short sales are on the rise as foreclosure rates continue to mount. Why? Because homeowners, who have fallen behind on their mortgage payments and have seen the value of their homes drop below the purchase...

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