Yes , we have put our house up for sale due to financial difficulties. I hope your all happy and that you will not bother the next people that are living in our house. I will pray for you that have harrassed us and called us white trash etc. I hope you all get whats coming to you for treating others the way you have treated us. We have stopped alot of the traffic around house and things have been peaceful . Have a nice life!!!
Around Lake Sunset Ct. street.
Good luck to you in the future. I hope your new neighborhood will suit your family better.
Recent police calls to your street:
I don't understand the importance of whoever you are pointing out the calls that were made to the police. Were not calling them it's our neighbors and there have been no controversy's with any of them in the last couple of months. These call don't involve us. I guess you have nothing better to do than to blame other people . I hope whoever you are that the new people don't recieve the same treatment that you have given us.
Text deleted by Neighborhood Link Flagging System, Mon Jul 27 07:26:13 -0600 2009