If you have time to devote to your neighborhood, please consider becoming the new Chairperson for CPNA. The current Chair is unable to continue in this role. Plese contact Beth Rehrer if you are interested at beth.rehrer@gmail.com
Cooper Park Neighborhood Association was formed with a mission in mind: To establish a cohesive, active neighborhood that supports and nurtures continuous improvement and to become a recognized, unique benchmark community.
Our mission has been realized in a very short time. We are already a benchmark community via the improvements that have been made at Cooper Park. It is the only non-music park with a pavilion that now closes at 10PM along with the park itself. Cooper Park Neighborhood is once again a peaceful, enjoyable neighborhood to live and play in. The basketball court was also removed to further improve the quality of life of the surrounding neighbors.
Many of our neighbors participate in neighborhood activities such as the Spring Egg Hunt and the rummage sale. In addition, we have increased the number of block watch participants threefold.