Country Side HOA


Posted in: Country Side

Have a fun trip! It is true days like Thanksgiving bring all of this into perspective; we have a strong goal here; but nothing is more important than friendships and family. I'm sure you have a lot of big hugs for those sons of yours!

By Br Anonymous
BR Anonymous

You have some interesting information too. I would like to met you someday as well.

I guess my issue is not always that the individual is so bad, it's just the system that stinks. I point my finger at the State of Colorado. This is the entity creating these problems.

I want to know who John is because despite the way he cuts people down, I think there must be something more to it. I believe this person to be highly knowledgeable about issues and this is something I admire.

I also want to state that I have very mixed feelings about the repeal of BF C/C. I personally believe that these matters to correct the problem should be dealt with at the capitol level. BF residents voted in favor of a county, even if we feel they are not well informed. If this is what they want, well??????? However, I also admire those Westminster individuals for taking so much personal time to look into this matter. I only hope that they can have the opportunity to take a look at some of the practices of Westminster as well, they are not angels either.

By Pam Wanek
Thanks a lot

Anyone remember when a trip to Boulder used to be a beautiful drive? Now it looks like a waste land. How much more overdevelopment can we expect?

By Cynthia
To Cynthia

You ask a valid question: How much more development can we expect. THe answer, as far as BF is concerned, is that we have hardly begun.
The RMN article referred to on this page; is valid in reviewing the future plans of Interlocken; briefly; there are approximately 6500 employees currently at Interlocken; 11,000 are expected in a few years. This does not include Flatirons mall which is becoming one of largest in metro Denver. In housing BF has committed to approximately 4000 vested properties; these are approved and not subject to a managed growth plan of 300 homes per year; the 300 homes per year will be in addition to the build-out of the vested properties. There is still room to build an additional housing for those that submit plans: based on our estimated population of 40,000 and the original master plan of 60,000; these leaves approximately 7000 more housing units left; in addition to those listed below.

New projects on the board include the development of Interlocken 2 at I-25 and NWP; and plans are currently being reviewed for approximately 9000-10000 homes in the northern BF area as BF recently annexed up to the Dacono area.

And, don''t forget the Northwest Parkway; the supposed "road to DIA and connection between Interlocken 1 and Interlocken 2 (it will be a direct route).

What you see here is at least 14000 more homes; a second business park, a huge freeway, and of course, the need for county facilities cannot be overlooked.

If you are new to the area; you can see this is an aggressive pro-growth stance; and is only representative of BF. Struggles for open-space, parks, neighborhood needs; are going to be of the utmost importance in the coming years. At some point; communities are going to have to unite for something more meaningful than fast-food shops; which seem to be one of the dominant features of the Town Center on 120. This is something that city leaders seem to take pride; fast food; even junking up the new library lot with fast food and office space.

By Br Anonymous
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