In reference to the mailbox having uniform lettering on them.... Can someone also tell me what is being done about the campers, and trailers being parked in the driveways? also what has ever happened with the deal on the NO wood fences and above ground pools?
I don't believe it is fair to try to enforce one thing without ALL the covenants being followed. and my mailbox does need new lettering on it.. THANKS to the drunken idiot who ran over it in the middle of the night and took off.. but the $$ to buy new lettering has not been a top priority so have never done it yet.. I think the Campers, and trailers in the driveways are a much more eyesore then some mailbox lettering and very unfair to try to enforce ONE of the covenants when many more are also being ignored and broken.. Its NOT pick n choose which one you decide on for the month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!