Does anyone have any ideas on how to increase interest and use of our neighborhood website? Please let me know if you actually use the website and if I should keep it going. Thanks in advance. Scott Bartow |
HI Scott, When I was moving to Crescent Estate South the fist thing I did was to look for the website and was very pleased to find out that there is actually something for the neighborhood. I did notice that not a lot of people use the website and probably many of them don't even know that the website exists. I am not sure if there are any fliers that are maybe passed around the neighborhood during the year on upcoming events or so forth, maybe that would be the best option to include the website to tell the people that it actually exists and that they can share their opinions about the neighborhood and upcoming events. I moved to the area in April '08 and every once in a while I come to see if there are any posts and I don't see any. I also wanted to post and wasn't sure if that is appropriate that I am new in the area and that I am a graphic designer, if anyone needed any design work they can visit my website. Let me know if something like this would be OK to post and then I could do a separate post with my web info. Thank you, Emina |