The citizens of Zanesville are responding to the call Take A Bite Out Crime.
Together, the citizens, our city officials, and with the assistance of the Muskingum County Sheriff, will return our city to the All-American status it had in 1956.
Our next Citizen's Meeting is May 19th, at Rosecrans High School, at 7PM.
I'm asking all citizens, city organizations, and Churchs to make an announcement about our meeting. Please attend if possible!
To present members of the last Citizen's Meeting, and all others, please recruit at least two new members or more.
The city officials, Mayor Zwelling, Safety Director Brandford, Chief of Police Lambes, Muskingum County Sheriff Matt Lutz, City Council Members, Father Connolly, and others have stepped up to the plate, now it is time for all citizens to hit the homerun.
God Bless To All!