Darley Civic Association is comprised of the neighborhoods of Indian Field and Highland Woods. Indian Field and Highland Woods are located in North Wilmington, also known as Brandywine Hundred. These two neighborhoods are situated between I-95 and Marsh Road just off of Darley Road.
The Civic Association is made up of residents from both neighborhoods volunteering their time for various board positions. The board meets periodically throughout the year to discuss any neighborhood problems, improvements, snow removal, and financial stature.
The Civic Association is ALWAYS looking for new members and more participation from the neighborhood. Feel free to contact someone on the board or attend a meeting. Click here for a list of our board members and contact information.
Annual dues help us pay for services year round. Dues are $30.00 per household (except for Darley Road residents).
Dues can be paid to our Treasurer Mark LaVere at 101 Farm Ave. anytime after January 1st. Please make check payable to "Darley Civic Association".