Construction and Music

Posted in: Middletown Village
Okay, so I know the construction workers work very hard and all to build our homes. But, um... their music in the early morning hours leaves little to be desired. I've actually contemplated calling the police--after I noticed the lady on the corner (a quiet older woman) staring down the block in the direction the loudness was coming from. I've dealt with it from about the fall--I guess someone got the notion to blare their radio as loud as they wanted as soon as they started to work--at 6:30 am-7 am! It's a bit much honestly. I don't mind a little noise, but let's be honest. This is the suburbs. I just moved AWAY from noisemakers in the city. I don't want to hear your music coming their music making it's way into my CLOSED windows. I can take various kid's playing, BBQ in the backyard, washing your car with your radio on noise, but all day country, rap, rock and roll, r&b. My heavens! LOL!

Has anyone else heard the construction workers' music?

I'm in the new construction--last phase in the back. :o)
I hear you! and it!

They make me really mad, almost daily. I like you have contemplated calling the police but decided to that was a bit much and contacted the builder instead. This of course came after several cat calls at me when I was putting my daughter in the car. My advice is call the builders, it has been a bit better over here on Champs.


By laura h
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