Paying an attorney for a couple of visits before all of the paperwork is signed may be worth the expense.
Before You Sign, Call an Attorney
Buying or selling a home has become a streamlined process where...
Homeowners seeking mortgage help through loan modification programs such as HAMP and HAFA, may face another issue—lower credit scores.
Loan Modification and Credit Scores
Homeowners on the verge of...
If your home value is dropping but your property taxes are not, you can appeal the assessed value of your home which may help lower your taxes.
Property values are down, so why doesn’t your property tax ...
Reverse mortgages can offer extra cash for seniors, but there are drawbacks. Learn what you should take into consideration before taking out a reverse mortgage.
Seniors are feeling just as cash-strapped as...
Offering owner financing for the sale of your home can be a scary proposition, but there are ways to reduce your risk.
Offering owner financing to a potential buyer of your home can provide you with an...
The key components of Obama's foreclosure-avoidance program are loan modification and loan refinancing. The details of this provision has created an extraordinary opportunity for millions of people to either...
Selling your home on your own can save you thousands of dollars in commissions, but you have to be willing to put in the extra effort. Learn how to go through the “for sale by owner”...