Is it just me, or has there been a tremendous increase in the noise level coming from Rose Hospital in the last few years? I believe it must be coming from their air handling equipment along Hale Parkway. It is especially noisy for those living on the borders of Lindsley Park. I called Rose a year or so ago and they denied there was any increased noise but were willing to work with me--so I documented every time I heard this increased noise and
reported it to Facilities--they didn''t know what it could be and didn''t think there was a problem. I continued to document but then I got tired of writing down all those times so just let it go. I was just curious if anyone else has noticed this annoying noise level.
reported it to Facilities--they didn''t know what it could be and didn''t think there was a problem. I continued to document but then I got tired of writing down all those times so just let it go. I was just curious if anyone else has noticed this annoying noise level.