What To Do About Graffiti:
1. Contact the City of Mesa Graffiti Hotline, leave a message regarding the content and location of the graffiti at 644-3083. They will remove the graffiti within a few days.
2. If it is on your property or on a public wall and you wish to paint over it or remove it yourself, take a picture of the graffiti first to submit to the police department.
3. If it is on private property, take a picture to submit to the police department and contact the private property owner so they can remove the graffiti.
By Barb
1. Contact the City of Mesa Graffiti Hotline, leave a message regarding the content and location of the graffiti at 644-3083. They will remove the graffiti within a few days.
2. If it is on your property or on a public wall and you wish to paint over it or remove it yourself, take a picture of the graffiti first to submit to the police department.
3. If it is on private property, take a picture to submit to the police department and contact the private property owner so they can remove the graffiti.
By Barb