It is with much happiness that I wish you all a very happy 2002! As we all bid farewell to 2001 with somewhat of a sigh of relief, we are looking forward to a year full of togehterness and prosperity here in Glendale.
Some of our plans will include promotional advertising, while others will involve community interaction. All in the hopes of bringing to downtown Glendale the viality and greatness that it is worthy of.
It is with much pride and thankfulness to those dedicated to the DGMA that I announce that in March we will be celebrating our second anniverssary as an association. It hasn't always been a smooth road, but it has been well worth it. Our accomplishments have far exceeded any of our initial expectations.
Our year begins with our Annual Meeting being held on January 16, 2002 at Milano's Restaurant at 2:30pm. At that time we will be electing our Officers and Board of Directors for 2002. I hope everyone will attend, as we will be covering many other topics as well.
Whatever this new year has in store, we would like everyone to know we thank you for your support over the past two years, and remain committed to Glendale, its community, and the businesses that serve it. May you all have a year to remember!
Leslyn Ray