DO YOU REALIZE that it is nearly impossible for eastbound mototists to see the red light at the crosswalk on Linebaugh Ave. at Ola, because they are staring straight into the morning sunrise???? Do you know how many people stop long enough to let kids cross, then as soon as the kids have crossed the center line into the other lane, cars run that red light? CArs speed along Bouganvillea too -- even along Ola during dismissal time.
I have tried to get the city to place flashing school crossing lights with a posted drop-down speed sign--at least on Linebaugh, but Ola & Bouganvillea should have them, too--- but the city refuses. They say is isn't customary to have those flashing lights when there is a crossing light available. Of course, if you can't see the crossing light because you're facing into the rising sun between 7:30am & 8am, that light doesn't help much, does it? I saw a man hit a dog one day; when one of the witnesses asked him why he was driving so fast in a school crossing area, his answer was, "School? WHERE is there a school around here?!" We pointed out the school's location, and the man said he had no idea there was a school around here. So how do we get people's attention to slow down for school safety??
Post yourselves at that crosslight light one day, and witness how many cars speed, run the light, etc. Then contact the city about installing flashing lights, or at least strobe lights atop a speed limit sign for school intake/dismissal times. Let's not wait until someone is injured or killed to take steps toward safety.