If you would like to receive regular updates from TPD so that you will know what kind of activities are going on in our neighborhood, you can contact our TPD Neighborhood Watch Liaison, Lisa Timmer in the following manners:
Telephone: 931-6541 (direct line)
E-mail: Lisa.Timmer@ci.tampa.fl.us
Lisa will be happy to e-mail to you "The Morning Report" 5 days a week. This report describes the calls responded to the previous day throughout District 2 with regard to "The Big Four" crimes -- auto burglary, auto theft, home invasion, and home/business burglary. Your block leader receives these reports 5 days a week and would be glad to forward them on to you.
This is a good way to see the pattern of various crimes, so that you can take steps to prevent yourself from becoming a victim.
Also, we would like to have more people involved with our Mobile Patrol efforts. For an introduction into how Mobile Patrol works, please contact your block leader or the web mster for this site. If you have questions, probably other neighbors have the same questions, so you could always post your questions on this discussion page. Then everybody could read our response and have their questions answered at the same time!
Thanks for you help making Forest Hills a great neighborhood to live in!