There has been an unusual amount of litter throughout our grid, and especially along North Ola, for the past 3 weeks or so. It tends to accumulate in areas where the parkway is un-mowed, catching on the tall weeds & in the brush.
It is a proven fact that neighborhoods where litter and dumpings accumulate will attract the criminal element moreso that neighborhoods which are neat and clean. (Neat & clean doesn't mean manicured lawns that stepped off the pages of Better Homes & Gardens, it means that we don't convey the attitude that we don't care about our appearance, and are cluttered.)
Please help keep our neighborhood clean. Pick up litter, especially along the main entrances (Patbur/Floriland and Ola), which is everybody's first impression of our neighborhood. The neighborhood belongs to all of us, so picking up is everybody's responsibility.
Thank you.