I agree whole heartedly with your disgust at this ongoing problem. I have lived in ER for 27 years and have seen the owners sell out to the majority rule renters who have no respect for the rules.
I see them having their dogs crap not 20 feet from my front door. When you tell them they are mean and do not agree.
I never saw a flyer from Shew stating this new rule as you state, and I am the one who's complaining to him originated him in telling me it was going to be a rule. As for the rules when one moves into the neighborhood the real estate agent or owner infrequently gives a copy of the rules to the new tenant. THEY DO NOT KNOW THE RULES, and anyhow the rules are outdated and need to be reprinted so they are up to date - the dog crap rule is not in there for one. At the last Board meeting I suggested that any new tenant must receive a copy of the rules and sign-off that they did so and will obey them. This problem of having to follow the lawbreakers home to turn them in is nuts, for some are hostile and retributive. I have experienced it.
I am pretty sure that I have a copy of the outdated rules in a file on my other computer at home. I hope to remember and send it to you. Be aware that it is antiquated and does not have the dog crap rule in it.
I suggest you attend the next Board meeting and voice, with me, this disgusting habit that continues. I do it at every meeting and it has gone nowhere so far.