I personally want to thank you for your ideas, input, offers of assistance and participation, and the hard work of putting out fliers to others. We had discussed ways and and ideas but realized that a "few" would not be able to accomplish a lot. We needed "action" to our ideas. The people who come on a regular basis are deeply caring about our community. I am trying to be a good communicator about ways I am able to assist and enable others who are physically able to do things that are needed. I am 76 years old and happy to be here. I can use my computer to make fliers, send reminders, try to keep track of who needs information about our activities. I have called when people do not come and see if things are OK. I need your feed back, I may be unaware of things that others see immediately.
I agree that the BIGGEST problem is GETTING THE WORD OUT TO OTHERS. (Not shouting, just emphasizing the need.)