615 FlyBridge Lane is being used as a hostel/temporary housing. The owner has listed several Ads on Craigslist and Yard Sale sites allowing people short term stay which includes a night to a few weeks to months. This address has already had issues in the past. This is not being used as a rental home for one family. This house has several mattresses on the floor several in each room and the Ad clearly shows this in pictures it provides online. I would like to know what the HOA is going to do about this problem. It is bringing in criminals (check the Sheriffs office) there are several calls to this address. The Ads are the proof of what is going on. It is unsafe for our neighborhood and it can cause the values of our homes to go down. This type of housing is not allowed according to the County of Carteret. I have already spoke with someone in housing. I am speaking for other neighbors that are also concerned that have tried to complain to the HOA and nothing has been done. If you need proof of the Ads I will gladly print them out. There are several out there. I would like to know if anything will be done about this. Thank you