Elvira Neighborhood Association

Put the Gate at Santa Clara & Los Reales Back Up!

Posted in: Elvira

Over 40 neighborhood residents from the area around Santa Clara & Los Reales attending a meeting to let the City of Tucson Transportation Dept & Council Ward One know how we feel about the gate being removed at this location.  The gate this neighborhood banned together to have put up 5 years ago after a horrific murder.  We have seen crime in our neighborhood decrease since this fence went up, illegal dumping use to occur on an almost daily basic, parties, drinking, drugs & sex were a common occurrence before the fence went up.  Along with stolen vehicles being dumped and burned before the fence went up 5 years ago, a fence that was supported by over 100 neighbors.


A fence which gave this neighborhood security by reducing crime in our area.  Criminals no longer had a dark, secluded area in which to hide away their illegal activities.


In one day, the gate & fence was ripped down by the City to please one person, forgetting the hundreds of people that make up this neighborhood that supported the fence.  The neighborhood is outraged that the fence came down and took away our safety...cars race through this area once again, drinking, drugs & sex occur in this secluded area once again....things that hadn't happened in 5 years are occurring more and more.  We in the neighborhood feel less and less safe every day this gate is down.


We want the gate put back up IMMEDIATELY.  Put the gate back up THIS WEEK, and then discuss who has rights and how they can be addressed....but this time include the people who live here.  Keep our neighborhood safe by putting the gate at Santa Clara & Los Reales back up.  Don't allow another rape or murder to occur in this area while the City is trying to figure out what to do.....act now to make our neighborhood safe once again.

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