So you drive around taking pictures of peoples plates and vin# and you call yourself a neighborhood watch person. I dont care who you are. I fight for my country and I continue to do so and this is what I get. Get over yourself and go fight some real crime. The crime is you build townhouses with only 2 car parking but no other parking but only for guest thats down right stupid. So you expect me to park far away from my home to where I cant visually see if my car is okay. People drive crazy through this neighborhood and yet you have not told them to slow down. Canine owners continue to let their dogs shit all over the grass but yet they continue to not pick up their shit to where I step in it... No ticket for that. Please get a real dam job. fight real crime. I am sick of all these rude people. u go home to your family every dam night while I wait years to actually see mine. So when I get home I dont care where I park. You Suck.