You were totally misinformed about the detention area. It is owned by all the homeowners in Hamilton Highlands. It is not owned by Franklin County. Not only do we have to maintain it, but we also have to pay the property tax on it.
Home Owners Fees For 2008
You're right about just picking weeds. Actually, the only thing Frasure Lawn is supposed to do is mow both entrances, access lot and detention area. They have been very dependable on what they were asked to do. They were asked twice to pull weeds out of the landscaped areas. This last time was just a couple weeks ago. Yes it would be nice to have flowers etc which have been discussed/tried before. Unfortunately, all this costs money as well as constant upkeep of whatever is planted. Most important is that they are presentable, which they are. They certainly do not look like the entrances across Obetz Road that have not been maintained at all. If we lived in a perfect world and all homeowners paid their dues, more could be done in the community. If you look in the Association Expenses, you will see that there are expenses incurred by the Assocation (Homeowners). Luckily there are quite a few homeowners that understand they need to pay their share to maintain the community. Some homeowners have even helped in the entrances when we had weeding days/mulching etc. It takes everyone working as a team to make this a good or better place to live. Maybe with teamwork we could do something new next year because we would have the money and volunteers to maintain the new landscaping. We have even discussed making a picnic area in part of the detention area so all homeowners would have someplace close to home to go. |
I was just told this sat. grove, concerning the "270 land". And, it really don't concern me. We OWN only our home & property. And we don't need an extra"park" for the young to hang out . There's enough of it in the community, open sex from 14- 15 yr.olds, crime. Times have surely changed. Again, no need to furnish a hang out for trouble. |