Failure Turned Into Success

Where's the salt?

Posted in: Radnor Green
RE: Where's the salt?

Two weeks ago it took a 3 car accident, 3 county police and a closed road before the salt finally came.

Just incase the community was not aware, the roads were salted by the DOT who were called by the County Police.

Where are the dues going?
They report to local government.

I believe the civic assoc. reports to the county as it relates to how the money that they have collected is used.

I'd have to do the research, but I do know that civic assoc's are not private, and fall under the local government somewhere.

Instead of being a smartazz about it, try helping. What if it were you or one of your family members in an accident that could have possibly been prevented if our dues had been used towards salting and clearing the roads as advertised when they are collecting them?

The salt/plow truck drove through Tues night, but didn't salt or plow Honeywell, just did a drive by, and dropped a lil salt at the curve at the end.

Wed, it didn't come through until after noon. Lotta godd that does for the morning comute.

What is the deal this year, last year was excellent, this year............?
RE:RE:Where's the Salt?

I just wanted to clarify for everyone that the civic association is made up of volunteers from the neighborhood. The civic association is not part of the county government.

Salting and plowing the streets is a judgement call everytime there is precipitation in the winter. The civic association only has a finite amount of money that is accumulated through dues. The budget for this year was just included in the newsletter that went out at the end of January. The amount of money it costs to have the plows come through to salt and sand has to be weighed against the need to have the severity of the weather.

If you would like more information about how the dues are spent and the decision process that goes into deciding when the snow plows and salt trucks go out please attend a civic association meeting. The next meeting is on Tuesday February 27th at the Brandywine School District Administration building. If you really want to get involved volunteer to be on the committee that decides when the streets are salted and sanded.

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RGCA Salting

I am the RGCA Vice President and also the Committe Chairman for the snow removal. The RGCA has a limited budget every year, and most of that budget is allocated to snow removal. We had a light season up until the last week in January where we had a small snow storm, and we had the contractor salt the development to prepare us for an easier rush hour traffic the next day.

On Feb 7th we had a similar occurrance where I had the contractor salt that evening for the next day's morning rush hour. This week has been tough on weather and we have had the contractor out a lot to protect our residents. I had the development snow plowed on Tuesday 2/13, and followed up with a salting that evening to protect the next morning's traffic, and today we had another snow plowing with a followup salting for the same reason.

When the development gets snow plowed, every street gets completed, and we need to make sure that all vehicles are in their driveways so the plowing can be done effectively. We still have residents who do not comply with this, even after we mentioned it in our newsletters. This causes slick spots near those vehicles where patches of ice can develop.

The salting is 6 tons of salt and sand per delivery and the contractor is informed to begin salting the steep streets, under I-95, and the main interestions first to get the most troubled areas, then to disperse the remaining salt andsand into the next areas that need it the most.

The RGCA is prtoecting the residents in every instance of bad weather and our committe is on top of the weather conditions and in constant contact with our contractor to assure the best times of day to complete these tasks. I would like to ask you to please attend our next RGCA meeting on 2/27 @ 7:30 pm to discuss this further. We discuss our snow season, our budget, and our snow removal procedures at these meetings and it is a great forum to understand exactly how the dues is allocated.

I appreciate your concern, and I hope you understand that our residents are getting service to protect their commute, and I hope to see you at our next RGCA meeting where we can discuss this further and explain to you how the system is working.


John Pflugrad
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