Due to lack of residenta participating, the Community Garage Sale is cancelled.
The BWCA Newsletter gave information for the Annual Community Garage Sale with a deadline date to contact the volunteer in charge of organizing the event. Below is the information stated in the May issue of the newsletter.
"Our volunteer contact is SteveThompson. You may send an email to: sthomp7890@aol.com or call 614-478-8469. Please be sure to leave your name, phone number, address, which days, and any special items to list in the advertisement. Any large items, such as; furniture, cars, etc., would be a good draw to the sale. The deadline date to call for listing items in the paper is May 14th. We will also be providing a community map of all residents participating, so if you want to get listed on the Garage Sale map, please contact Steve by May 21st. This map will be copied and passed out to all participants."
Planning of community events takes time and organization. That is why we have a volunteer in charge of organizing the event. The community garage sale is also paid for by the Blendon Woods Civic Association, the funds used are from the MEMBERSHIP DUES which we collect annually. Only 65% of our residents pay the annual dues. Half of those dues go to the snow plowing fund and the other half is for the general funds. We think it is only fair that participants of the garage sale, should be members of the civic association, since the association is paying for the advertising, the balloons and extra supplies for signage, etc.
The reason the garage sale was cancelled was because our volunteer who was in charge of organizing the event, stated that the residents who contacted him by the deadline were too few in number to justify spending of the general funds. The general funds cover newsletter printing, telephone directory printing costs, and expenses for events such as the Annual Pumpkin Drop, The 4th of July Parade, The Community Garage Sale, the lighting for the entrance sign on Boulder Dam, the membership dues to the Northland Community Council, etc.
Why do we have a deadline date? Getting the ads ready to put in the newspaper, getting the map ready to distribute and getting the signs ready, take time. This is why we have a volunteer to organize the event. We continually ask our residents to volunteer so that we can have more events and activities for our BWCA members.
Some of the residents of the Blendon Woods have decided to go ahead and have the garage sale on their own. This is fine, except that is is not being sponsored by the BWCA. The reason the BWCA Garage Sale was cancelled was stated above, and we hope that in the future, we can have residents that want to be dues paying members and help to support the BWCA funding for these activities and events that we provide. After all, it is only fair, don't you think?